Monthly Archives: January 2012

Tamara’s Post – I Wanna Get Faster!

That’s my goal – it sounds simple. I just want to be faster! But how?! Last year I raced some of my best times in 15 years, but that’s not good enough. I want to really get faster…I want the magic “get faster” wand – anyone have one? My race times are irrelevant to my goal. And I know if I asked any veteran runner, they would say “speedwork” and then they would say “track workouts”. And I would nod and smile…and think to myself “how the heck am I gonna fit that into my crazy busy life?!” So I am convinced I need to find some treadmill speed workouts – I’m sure my friend Google will point me in the right direction. I would prefer to do my speedwork outside – I’ve done my share of track speed workouts with my super-fast running friends in the past…but I just can’t fit that into my life at the moment. Every morning that I get on the treadmill I think about how to get faster and think about how I need to find a treadmill workout – and then I struggle through my 3-5 mile run at 4:45am and wonder if it is even possible after sleeping for 6 (sometimes less) hours a night. I’m not very optimistic at the moment. I need some motivation…I need a race…a big race…a big race in the city…a big race in DC…soon. So – that’s it – I’ve got a pre-plan…I’m going to find a treadmill workout, a big race in the city, and I’m gonna get some sleep…my luck I will dream about running and still be tired in the morning! Good night!

Jeff’s Post – Hello Leonardtown!

I”m still struggling with this cold that I have been dealing with for weeks but after taking two days off from running (Thursday and Friday) I was determined to run this weekend.  It was another unexpected nice weather weekend in Maryland and I wanted to take advantage of it.  On Saturday I headed out on my own for a 6 mile run on a loop near my house.  I didn’t feel good but it was nice to be out there running and afterwards I definitely felt better.  On Sunday Tamara and I headed out from my parents house and took another one of our Sunday scenic runs to Leonardtown Wharf.  There is a pretty decent hill to get to the wharf so we not only got a nice view but we were able to work in some hill work as well.  Even with the few days off I still managed to get in 35 miles for the week so I was happy with that.  I will probably keep up that distance for the next few weeks and then start increasing from there as we head to the Rock N Roll 1/2 in March.

Please take a look at the #TwitteCharityRun-We would love to have you join us on a virtual run and raise money for a charity of your choice at the same time!

Happy Running!

Jeff’s Post – Tweet Give Run – Join Us!

Please join us and help us spread the word about the inaugural Twitter Charity Run between April 13 thru April 15th.  I’ve done a few virtual races lately and really enjoyed them.  I’ve also been involved in organizing a local charity run for the last 17 years.  So I thought it would be fun to combine the two and organize a virtual charity run.  The details can be found here.  We would love for you to “virtually” join us for this fun event for your cause!

If you are on twitter please help us spread the word and use the hashtag #twittercharityrun.


Jeff’s Post – Doctor – Doctor Give me the News!

It’s somewhat ironic that I’m writing a post about going to the doctor while I’m in the middle of a cold/flu that is kicking my butt and has brought my running to a grinding halt.  I had a cold last week and just kept running through it. I actually had some really fast runs and always felt better after.  I started feeling worse on Wednesday afternoon (had a good run that morning) and things were much worse when I woke up on Thursday.  I could hardly function so I knew a run was out of the question and although I’m feeling a tiny bit better this morning I’m going to take another day off and possibly the whole weekend if I don’t feel better.  Time will tell – I would love to go for a run with Tamara on Sunday if it works out.

I should probably be going to the doctor for my current condition but this post is about another doctor’s appointment (The dreaded I’m getting older and everyone is telling me I should go to the doctor).  I’m a typical male who thinks I’m bulletproof but yet doesn’t like going to the doctor because I’m afraid they might tell me something I don’t want to hear.  One of the reasons I started running a few years ago was because I was approaching my 40th birthday and when I finally did go to the doctor I didn’t want to leave with a laundry list of things I needed to do.  I wasn’t in horrible shape prior to running but I wasn’t where I wanted to be and I knew running would take me there.  I didn’t realize at the time that I would find the “runners high” and it would take me places that I have never been (both physically and mentally).

I probably should have gone to the doctor before I started running, I probably should have gotten a checkup before my first 10 miler, my first ½ marathon, my first marathon, my second marathon but I didn’t.  I was feeling better than ever and at one point made the silly comment that I wasn’t going to the doctor before my marathon because I didn’t want them to tell me not to run it.  I promised Tamara and my parents (a few times over) that I would go to the doctor.  One of my 2012 goals that I didn’t blog about was the one to get to the doctor.  So a few weeks ago I went to the doctor for a checkup and blood work.  I think I was a kid the last time I had blood taken.  During the interview with the doctor she asked me about my physical activity and I mentioned that I was a runner.  I think she had a clue but as soon as I confirmed that there seemed to be an instant respect from her.  We briefly discussed my running history (she asked me about the marathons).  It was almost as if she appreciated working with someone who takes care of themselves.  On my way out the door we made an appointment for the blood work – she mentioned that she wasn’t’ expecting any issues – I was in great shape and a perfect weight (I would really like to be about 10 pounds lighter btw).  Fast forward a couple weeks and I get the blood work results – everything is fine – Yeah!

Thanks Tamara and thanks mom and dad for pushing me to go.  But as I accept this award for being healthy and fit at 40 I would also like to thank running.  My mind and body is healthy because of you and I can’t thank you enough!

Have a great day – If you are one of those who dread doctors and are overdue for an appointment – just go – you and your loved ones will be glad you did!

Jeff’s Post – When to Marathon?

Last year I ran my first marathon in September (Baltimore) and my second a month later in October (Richmond).  My plan this year was to run both a spring and fall marathon but after spending hours last night trying to find a spring race I’m leaning towards a few in the fall again.  I love running bigger races and I love the destination race but everywhere I looked last night I was at $1000 between entry fees and hotels.  It seemed all the close hotels were already booked and I just couldn’t find a good vibe with any race I was looking at.  I’m also concerned about the time commitment of two marathon training schedules.  Tamara and I have a little “house work” to do this spring and I don’t want my crazy running schedule to get in the way.  My compromise will be trying to squeeze in another ½ in the spring.  For now, I look towards the fall and will try to figure out a few races at that point.  Marine Corps is definitely on my short list.  I also registered for the New York lottery.  I’m not really counting on that but you never know.  Who would have thought finding a race would be so stressful!

I just finished 8 miles on the treadmill.  It was one of those runs where I felt like I could go on forever – love that!  Have a great day and Happy Running!



Jeff’s Post – Weekend Recap – Cold and Fast with a Virtual AG Win!

I’m still missing the weekend long run but I have been content lately with reduced mileage at a faster pace.  So far in January, I’ve been averaging around 35 miles per week.  I will build up that mileage as our first ½ of the year – The Rock N Roll USA gets closer.  I was dealing with a cold most of the week and I’m always torn as to what will help me get better faster.  I feel better after I run but I wonder if I should be taking a few more rest days to get over it.  Who knows – for the moment I’m just going to run because that is what I do. I wasn’t really sure what my running schedule was going to be this weekend but I was happy with how it turned out.   Back in December I signed up for the Twitter Road Race (5k).  For those who are not familiar this is basically a “virtual” race where you sign up, run the race during a specified time and then submit your time when you are done.  This is the second “virtual” event that I have participated in and I really find them both fun and motivating.  I had forgotten about this event until I saw a reminder pop up on my calendar on Friday.  I wasn’t’ sure I was going to participate because I just wasn’t feeling well but when I woke up Saturday I was determined to run this.  I wanted to run outside but we had a combination of snow/rain/sleet and since I was already sick I decided to stick with running on the treadmill.  I decided I would start with a 5k warm up run and then run my second 5k a few minutes later at race pace.  I was really excited to run my race and I pushed it the whole way finishing with a time of 19:51 only 10 seconds off my fastest 5k time ever.  I would later find out that the time was good enough for 1st in my AG – with second place going to a gentleman in Germany – how cool!  A big thanks to Doug over I run because for putting this on!

Fast forward to Sunday – I woke up still feeling rotten with a cold.  I decided I was just going to take the day off hoping that would make me feel better.  I did a little work, ran a few errands and called Tamara – she mentioned that she had just gotten off the treadmill.  I immediately felt like a slug and decided I had to run.  I love that we motivate each other and she encouraged me to just run a few miles to see how I felt.  Although it was freezing in Maryland today I decided to bundle up and go for a run outside.  I literally didn’t feel my feet until around mile 4 but I was running strong and fast.  I finished the 6.2 mile loop with a time of 45.26 (7:19 pace).  I’m far from super fast but I love the feeling when you are running fast and strong.  Considering I’m still dealing with a cold I was thrilled with my speedy weekend runs.  My legs feel great and I’m excited and looking forward to pushing my speed limits.

Hope you had a good weekend too!  Happy Running!

Tamara’s Post – “Mommy, Can You…?”

Once again I didn’t get my lazy butt outta bed as early as I should have – after getting up at 4:35am every weekday morning, it’s just hard getting up early on the weekends (and my bed was mighty toasty!). So after resetting my alarm and waking up at 7am, I tried to be quiet – but within 10 minutes my wild-haired-smiley-faced girl woke up and was ready to PLAY! We agreed she would watch a movie while I ran on the treadmill – that way we would both be in the basement – sounds easy enough. “Mommy, can you help me put Rachel’s (her favorite doll) coat on?”. Sure. “Mommy, can you get me a sweatshirt?”. Sure. “Mommy, can you put Rachel’s boots on?”. Sure. Took me a bit longer then expected to get my running clothes on (not sure why!). “Mommy, can you get my breakfast to take downstairs?”. Sure. “Mommy, can you take my pillow downstairs?”. Sure. “Mommy, can you turn the movie on?” Sure. Ok, I better hop on the treadmill before it’s time for lunch! I had an 8 mile run planned (yeah, stinks on the treadmill – but better then in the freezing rain). Samantha is incredibly understanding of my running (as I’ve mentioned before), so it’s hard to get upset when I’m interrupted during a treadmill run. “Mommy, can you fix the steps on my Barbie plane?”. Sure, I hop off the treadmill and fix the plane and hop back on the treadmill. She comes in from time to time and seems to just be checking on me. After 4 miles…”Mommy, can you get me another movie?”. I ask her to go get it – she does. “Mommy, I have some good news and some bad news…good news, I got another movie – bad news, the dogs pooped on the floor upstairs!” Great…well, Mommy’s not cleaning it up at the moment (and hopefully the smell will stay upstairs! – Mommy’s running! “Mommy, can you start the movie?”. Sure. I hope off the treadmill start the movie then hop back on. I run and I run…I got my 8 miles in. Before she could say “Mommy, can you watch some of the movie with me?”. I tell her I will watch the rest of the movie with her – she says “YAY!!”.  We smile at each other and I tell her “Thank you – for letting me run”. She’s my biggest fan – and I am hers…and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Jeff’s Post – The Olympic Trials – Thank u Twitter!

I feel like I can’t catch up this week and I know I’m a few days behind but I wanted to take a moment to discuss the Olympic Trials.  I was disappointed that the trials were not going to be broadcast live (what is up with that NBC!) and I had vowed that I would stay away from Twitter on Saturday.  I didn’t want to know who won when I watched the tape delayed broadcast but I just couldn’t do it.  Twitter was amazing on Saturday.  I once again found myself glued to my phone reading the tons of updates that were coming in second by second.  I was on the edge of my seat with each update.  I thought to myself at one point that in a strange way it was a little like listening to radio.  People were expressing excitement in their tweets and in many ways I felt like I was there – so exciting – so motivating!

I was amped up with all the Olympic talk and was so excited that Tamara and I had a run planned for that afternoon.  The Olympic trials are “Must see TV” in our house and I couldn’t wait for our run and then go back home to watch the trials.  We had a great run on Saturday and the trials didn’t disappoint.  It is just amazing to watch these athletes.  Their speed, endurance and will to compete and win is incredible.  I’ve talked a few times before about how the 5k isn’t my favorite distance because I’m pushing it and just feel uncomfortable the whole time.  To think that these athletes are pushing it about 2 minutes per mile faster for 26.2 miles is so impressive.  Congrats to all those who competed and to those who will represent us in London. You make us proud and you motivate us.

One last note – As I was watching the trials I couldn’t help but think of yet another reason I love the sport of running and the running community.  I will never compete in the Olympics but as a fellow runner I feel a connection to those athletes.  Whether you are an Olympic athlete or running your first 5k we share many of the same feelings.  The nerves at the starting line, wondering if we trained hard enough, wondering how our body will react if we push it.  We have all been there because we are all runners!

Have a great day and Happy Running!

Jeff’s Post – Hello Point Lookout

Tamara and I continued our scenic running tour on Sunday morning with a cold (no freeezing!!) run through Point Lookout State Park.  We had a crazy headwind on the way out and an equally crazy tail wind on the way back so it all worked out.  We ran everywhere – on the roads, on a trail, on the beach and we ran to the end of the very long fishing pier (my favorite!).  It’s been great to run with Tamara as we enjoy some new scenery. Can’t wait until our next “Scenic Run”!

I have shared a few pics of our run below.  Happy Running!



Jeff’s Post – Hello Tall Timbers!

Tamara and I had the opportunity to run outside (together) twice over the weekend and we took advantage of it.  One of my goals for 2012 was to run more where I live.  It has really been fun visiting places that I have been many times but have never explored running – a completely different experience.  For January, I have taken a slightly different running approach.  I have been working harder during the week and have been saving the weekends for leisurely fun runs.  I will step it up in a few weeks but for now it has been nice to average between 30 – 40 miles per week and truly experience the “Joy of Running”.  Our running tour Saturday took us to Tall Timbers, Maryland.  We ran 7 miles and they just flew by.  It was cold but the scenery and company were beautiful.  A great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

We were recently interviewed on the “Who has the Runs” blog.  Check it out here to find out a little more about us!

Happy Running!


Somebody had to pee mid run 🙂