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Jeff’s Post- Running Smarter!

I still struggle at times with when to push and when to listen to my body.  I vowed in 2012 to run smarter and I’m happy to say that I’ve been doing that so far but it isn’t always easy.  Take this morning as an example.  I took Sunday off after a 16 mile double on Saturday.  My legs felt great yesterday and I was looking forward to a good treadmill run this morning.  As soon as I stepped foot on the treadmill my legs felt tired.  I was hoping to get in 6 miles but early on I decided I would “Run Smarter” and finish strong at 3.  I struggle because I’m fighting this voice in my head that is saying don’t be a baby push through it and run 6 and then on the other side is a voice that says finish your 3 strong and tomorrow will be a new day.  I’m confident running smarter will benefit me more this year than a few extra miles here and there.  Don’t worry I’m still going to push it but I’m going to push it when it makes sense.

Have a great day – Remember Run Smart!

Please take a look at the #TwitterCharityRun–  Registrations are rolling in and we would love to have you join us on a virtual run and raise money for a charity of your choice at the same time!