Jeff’s Post – 6 Left Turns!

I just came back from a rare outdoor weekday morning run.  We have company staying in the basement and I could have gone downstairs to the gym but I tend to bang on my treadmill so I thought it would be a good opportunity to get outside and let the company sleep.  Tamara’s treadmill is much quieter and she was itching to watch the Bachelor so she opted to stay inside and get her reality TV fix.  I grabbed a small flashlight and headed out in the dark on a nice 10k loop.  I have a love/hate relationship with this loop because it is a bit hilly and challenging at times.  But one thing I love about it is that it basically has 6 left turns to get me home.  I tend to look at each turn as a separate segment and that helps me on both good and bad runs.  This morning was no exception.  I was pushing the pace a little and felt good through most of the segments but I won’t lie I was thrilled to see the last left turn.  I finished a muggy 6.2 miles in 46:38 which I was happy with.  I even saw a member of the local running club about 1/2 through my run which was nice.  I always like to see another runner out there!

Have a great day and Happy Running!


About werrunners

Two Runners Sharing a Journey!

Posted on July 10, 2012, in Daily Workouts and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I always prefer running outside to running on a treadmill. One reason why I prefer outdoor running is because you get to enjoy fresh air and even get the chance to meet new people. Another reasons is so that you can run free from all the temptations that lurk at home (Internet, TV, or just doing anything else but running). Also, running outside is a lot cheaper than investing on a treadmill, unless you already have one.

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